Dementia describes a group of symptoms including memory loss, impairment in thinking and communication enough to interfere with your daily life.
Early symptoms of dementia
Although the early signs vary, common early symptoms of dementia include:
- memory problems, particularly remembering recent events
- increasing confusion
- reduced concentration
- personality or behaviour changes
- apathy and withdrawal or depression
- loss of ability to do everyday tasks.
Symptoms specific to Alzheimer's disease
The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. Common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include:
- memory problems – regularly forgetting recent events, names and faces
- asking questions repetitively
- increasing difficulties with tasks and activities that require organisation and planning
- becoming confused in unfamiliar environments
- difficulty finding the right words
- difficulty with numbers and/or handling money in shops
- becoming more withdrawn or anxious
Ayurvedic Remedies:
For Ayurvedic treatment of ‘Constipation’ please contact our physicians at:
Sushruta Ayurvedic Therapy Center Pvt. Ltd.
A-138, Ground Floor, Madhuban, (Yamuna Paar)
New Delhi – 110092. India.
Phone: +11-22050127, 22050506, 9910672020